Dear valued customers! My name is Arli Lepp. In 2013 I founded a forestry equipment manufacturer company called Lintexon. However, I have been active in the field of forestry and forest machines for much longer. Prior to founding Lintexon, I had been working in the forestry sector for fifteen years, my first contact with the industry being a job in my father’s forestry company. There I gained an experience in harvesting and buying forest, maintaining and repairing forest machines, and trading machinery with various countries. During the work, I gathered much empirical knowledge about the whole range of forest industry and learned about its specifics and possible complexities.
Prolonged close contact with the forest industry increased my awareness of the importance of good technology, especially the cruciality of durable machine tracks. It also gave me the understanding about which tracks are best suited to each terrain and machine type. With experience and knowledge grew a desire to found my own company and produce professional forestry tracks at a reasonable price.
The company was named Lintexon. Its name refers to the company’s location in Võrumaa: it is derived from the expression in Võru language “Linte iks om” or, in Estonian, “Linte ikka on” (meaning: “We always have tracks”). Today Lintexon has become a family business. Our products are known in many countries around the world for their high quality and durability, as well as their favourable prices. We have combined both traditional and innovative methods in the product development to achieve the best possible result. In technical solutions we focus on maximum efficiency to reduce damage to the soil and maximise the cost-effectiveness of machinery.
Starting from the year 2023, we have expanded our operational scope. On June 21, 2023, we initiated a collaboration with Nordic Traction OY. Currently, we are the official distributor of Clark Tracks and OFA products in the Baltic region. Additionally, we have been officially recognized as the refurbisher of Clark Tracks spare parts for forestry machine tracks in the Baltic States and the Nordic countries.
In addition to high production quality, Lintexon’s sustainability is guaranteed by flexible customer service. When dealing with customers, we take into account both the specifics of a particular machine and the personal preferences of a client. Today our products are marketed in several countries around the world. We aim to expand further the production and sales in different countries.
I hope the introduction I have written gave you a brief overview of the origins of Lintexon, its operating principles, and the goals we wish to achieve in cooperation with all our customers. It is a great honor and pleasure to be able to help you with good products and knowledge!

Arli Lepp
Lintexon OÜ managing director and founder